Hymns: 324 Great is Thy faithfulness; 655 Give me Oil in my lamp; 376 Lord the light of your love is shining; 471 We are one in the Spirit
Hymns: 435 All Things Bright and Beautiful; 441 Can a Little Child like Me; 349 My hope is Built on Nothing Less; 671 I heard the Voice of Jesus…
Hymns: 1. 461 Be Thou My Vision 2. In Christ Alone 3. 498 Sing them over again to me Wonderful words of life 4. 635 Brother, Sister let me serve…
Hymn 332 O Lord my God, How great thou art Hymn: 375 Fairest Lord Jesus Hymn 749 Be still my Soul Hymn: 634 Will You come and follow me
Hymns: 358 There is a Redeemer; I am Not my Own; 410 Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee and I Set My Hope on Jesus
Hymns: 746 What a Friend we have in Jesus & 373 Jesus Loves me & Speak O Lord & I Am Not My Own
Hymns: 1. 407 Praise my Soul, the King of Heaven 2. Ancient Words 3. 389 Breathe on me Breath of God 4. Speak O Lord