Over the last few weeks we have been following a path to prayer that the author says is more about a who-to than a how-to. But to get to that…
Blessed Lord, who hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant that we may in such wise hear them, read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them,…
The God we pray to Prayer is an integral part of our life as Christians both individually and corporately. We have prayers of approach, of adoration, of confession, of thanksgiving…
Can we achieve unity in our diversity? I have not had time to research the splits in both Judaism and Islam but it does appear clear that while all those…

An Everlasting Baptism

January 7, 2018
An Everlasting Baptism – Mark 1:9-15 The Gospel of Mark – which is the central gospel from which many of our Sunday Scripture readings will be taken this year –…

The Advent of Peace

December 10, 2017
Today, on this second Sunday of Advent, the focus is on peace. The advent of peace…or the coming of peace. The word advent is from the Latin word for ‘coming’…the…