Celebrating a Vision

May 14, 2017
Celebrating a Vision – John 14:1-14 The celebration of Mother’s Day in this modern era finds its roots in America when it was first proposed by Anna Jarvis in 1908.…


May 7, 2017
Good morning! Would it be correct to assume we’ve all felt overwhelmed at sometime in your life? I am sure you have all found yourself in a situation where you…
Since the beginning of Lent I have been speaking to you about reconnections with various aspects of our faith and of our life with God. The book I have been…
When I started this series on reconnecting, I realized that we would come to the section on nonviolence on the very day when we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord…
We are now at the third in this series on reconnecting. So far we have looked at how we can begin to reconnect with the earth by realizing again our…
From now until our next Communion, we will be exploring themes around reconnecting with everything from the earth itself to love and many points along the way. This exploratory journey…