Words to hang on to

October 22, 2017
Bible Text: Matthew 22:34-40 | Preacher: Rev. Bruce W. Kemp The events that took place in the passage we have heard from Matthew’s Gospel are part of the week that…

God Tears the Fence Down

October 15, 2017
Bible Text: Jonah 3:10-4:4, Philippians 1:1-11 and Matthew 20:1-16 | Preacher: Speaker: Kathy Spruit PRESBYTERIAN SHARING SUNDAY,OCTOBER 15, 2017 MEDITATION GOD TEARS THE FENCE DOWN Jesus was the master of…
Bible Text: Epistle: Philippians 2:5-11 and Gospel: Matthew 21:33-46 | Preacher: Rev. Bruce W. Kemp In the passage from Philippians, Paul encourages the people in the church to ever keep…

What Do You Think?

October 1, 2017
Bible Text: Epistle: Philippians 2:1-13 and Gospel: Matthew 21:23-32 | Preacher: Speaker: Donna McIlveen In today’s gospel lesson from Matthew we have question after question after question. And not your…

One Body in Christ

September 24, 2017
Bible Text: Romans 12:18 and Matthew 16:13-20 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Glynis Williams Happy Anniversary St Andrew’s! Even if this is not a milestone date for your congregation, it holds…

More Lessons in Community Life

September 17, 2017
Bible Text: Romans 14:1-12 & Matthdw 18:21-35 | Preacher: Rev. Bruce W. Kemp Our passage today from Romans continues on the theme that I spoke to you about 2 weeks…


September 10, 2017
Preacher: Rev. Bruce W. Kemp JUDAS My name is Judas. History isn’t quite sure what to make of me. John thought I was a thief. Others thought my last name…

Lessons in Community Life

September 3, 2017
Bible Text: Romans 12:9-21 and Exodus 3: 1-15 | Preacher: Rev. Bruce W. Kemp In this day and age making the decision to be part of a Christian community may…