Signs of the Times

December 20, 2015
Bible Text: HEBREWS 10:5-10 AND Luke 1:39-45 | Preacher: Rev. Bruce W. Kemp


December 13, 2015
Preacher: Speaker: Kathy Spruit Joy Joy – the joy experienced in the first Christmas – Angels announced to the shepherds, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that…
Preacher: Rev. Bruce W. Kemp THE MORAL DILEMMA OF CHRISTMAS The Christmas season is one of great hope and promise. As we approach the day we find our thoughts turning…

An Early Morning Prayer

November 29, 2015
Bible Text: Isaiah 64 1-9 and Mark 13:24-37 | Preacher: Rev. Bruce W. Kemp An Early Morning Prayer Last week I spoke to you about how without the middle part…


November 22, 2015
Bible Text: Revelation 1: 4 b-8 and John 18:33-37 | Preacher: Rev. Bruce W. Kemp Let’s be honest with ourselves. The last thing we expected to hear when we came…

Are you just holding on?

November 15, 2015
Bible Text: Hebrews 10: 11-14, 19-25 and March 13: 1-8 | Preacher: Rev. Bruce W. Kemp   The letter to the Hebrews is filled with much imagery that comes from…


November 8, 2015
Bible Text: Hebrews 9:24-28 and Mark 12:38-44 | Preacher: Rev. Bruce W. Kemp, Reverend Bruce W. Kemp OF SACRIFICE AND LOVE OF SACRIFICE AND LOVE This is a day that…
Bible Text: Joshua 1 1-11 and Revelation 1: 1-6 | Preacher: Reverend Bob Martin Norman Vincent Peale was one of the gurus of the 1960's, 70's, 80's and even the…