If you squint at an Easter basket, especially one stuffed with faux shredded grass, you can totally see its origins as a nest. Remember the German Osterhase tradition? Well, there…
Of Bunnies and Chocolate: At first glance, it’s hard to imagine what a rabbit has to do with any type of religious holiday. But people having been celebrating the coming…
https://youtu.be/Jv1p3u5zHKo The rights to music under licence: CCLI: 1963748 Hymn# 146 - Angels from the Realms of Glory James Montgomery – the author of this carol – was born in…
Reverend Bruce Kemp has tried something new this week for the on-line service. The text for the service is now incorporated into the video via powerpoint. Good news! The church…
This service is what was planned for the Memorial Sunday at Morewood. As memorial services have been cancelled this year, I felt it was more important than ever to share…