Sunday School Program

We welcome families and children to join our Sunday School program with fun filled stories, crafts and activities! Teachings are geared to children of all ages to keep them engaged and excited to come to church.

You will find…

  • A space for toddlers to play in a safe zone with a wide selection of toys
  • An organized craft area to do activities and story-time with older children
  • A youth hangout room with games, comfy futon and TV to enjoy during coffee time
  • New friends to connect with in the community
  • A place to grow faith, practice prayer and learn teachings of the bible

We currently have a group of about 25 kids ranging from ages 2 to 13+ with a variety of activities and games to keep everyone engaged. If you come with your family on a Sunday, Sunday school usually takes place around 20 minutes into the service after welcoming songs, prayers, and children’s story.

Special Community Projects

St. Paul’s Kid’s Club at Garden Market handing out freezies and cold water on the hot shopping days.

On May 7, 2023, the children of St. Paul’s planted  a special garden to commemorate Indigenous Children who were wrongfully taken from their homes and institutionalized in schools. Each year we dedicate a Sunday school weekend to planting new plants here and saying a little prayer.


Sunday school led services

Twice a year the Sunday school kids lead service with a message, story or skit. The kids really enjoying being part of this and have quick hands to volunteer for the lead parts! Each month in class they are learning a new song that they also sing for the congregation during a regular service. Everyone LOVES to see the kids.

Easter Service 2024

Christmas Service 2023